Google's helpful content checker, AI-powered content audit

Google’s Helpful Content Guidelines are a major factor in how your pages rank, and it's ultimately up to you to make that evaluation. This app aims to help you structure the evaluation process by asking an LLM (ChatGPT) to answer each of the questions in the checklist for each article. This ends up with a simple numeric score showing how many of the guidelines were met. It's all subjective, so don't take these evaluations literally, just as an approximate indication.

You can obtain URLs for a website either using our free SEO crawler, or the XML sitemaps tool, and inputting them here (up to twenty five).


How to scale content audits

Auditing content is a tough process because you have a challenging tradeoff:

Qualitative research (Prompting an LLM)

Running in-depth interviews or focus groups can be included in this type of research. The benefit is that you get a much deeper understanding of the audience, it's much more nuanced, and you have insights from humans.

The challenge is that it doesn't scale very well. Interviewing hundreds of people can cost a lot of time, effort, and money, and will be difficult to analyze. It's not easy to standardize people's answers and quantify them.

Quantitative research (Bulk prompting an LLM)

Surveys, for example, scale very well. They are cost-efficient, standardized, and can easily be analyzed and quantified. The weakness is that we lose nuance and detail, and we have to ask very general questions with a forced yes/no type of response.

This app can be thought of as a survey. The questions are highly structured and specific, and the answers have to be True/False. Another important aspect of the questions is that several of them tackle articles from a similar angle but in slightly different and overlapping ways.

For example, titles are evaluated on two criteria:

  • Does the main heading or page title avoid exaggerating or being shocking in nature?
  • Does the main heading or page title provide a descriptive, helpful summary of the content?

So we are getting multiple views into our titles.

This makes it possible to run a large-scale audit of our content, where we can quickly spot some opportunities, yet knowing that this approach has the limitationss of surveys.